

Hi. Here's me, Miss Tasty Sensations (ha!).  And my family. I know, you were dying to know what the brains behind this operation looked like.
I'm a mom and a wife, and I plan my life around what's on the menu - not only because I have a child with PKU and food has to be planned for the day - but because I love to eat!! Baking, cooking, talking about food, reading about food, writing about food, photographing food (with absolutely no experience or skill), and most of all - eating food- make me happy. I love to try new recipes, modify recipes, or make up concoctions of my own. I love gourmet meals, exotic foods and trying new things.  However, I still believe there's a time and a place for making brownies from a box.  Some of the time... if I'm desperate. Anyway, to me, there's nothing like making something and having it be a feast for the senses. I reserve the right to write about anything food related that I want.  What can I say? This is my therapy, and believe me when I say - I need lots of it.

At Tasty Sensations you will find many of my own recipes, recipes I've adapted, and recipes that are a Top 5 Favorite from invited Guest Chefs (if you want to be one, click here).  I can't always promise pretty pictures, but I can promise that the recipes I post here will be delicious. 

I'd be amiss if I didn't mention some of my personal favorite foods.  I love fresh bread of any kind, I swoon over honeycrisp apples and fresh summertime peaches.  I like food that is healthy.  I like food that is fresh.  And sometimes I like food that is neither.  When I'm not eating and/or in the kitchen, I'm involved in my church, I love to read, teach water aerobics, travel, throw parties and hang out with my family.