
February 22, 2011

CucinaPro Cookie Press Review

Remember the CSN online store I told you about?  Well, not only did I get the item shipped to me THE NEXT DAY, but I got an item that I've been wanting for a long time - a cookie press - and I really, really liked it.  CSN did provide me with the product, but they are not paying me to give you my review, so I'm going to tell you what I really thought!

If you don't know what a cookie press is, let me show looks like this:
 and it makes your cookies look like this:
 and you can make 20 different designs, and also use the machine for decorating with icing.

If you use one of my favorite recipes for Cream Cheese Spritz cookies, you will something that looks and tastes like this!! 
Now, if you want to buy your own affordable and great quality cookie press, go HERE.


  1. Are they good? We got a pampered chef cookie press for our wedding and when we opened it my dad said he'd give us $50 (I think? I don't remember the exact amount...:) if we ever used it. Did you know we're coming up on our 10th wedding anniversary and the cookie press remains in its box packed away. Ha ha ha. So, are those good cookies? Shall I break out the beloved cookie press? :)

  2. Brynn, I cannot eat these cookies enough - I won't use the press much, but when I use it, I eat them like crazy...


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