March 1, 2009

Garlic Parmesan Loaf

Oh, this is a wonderfully easy bread that is wonderfully addicting.

Grease a bundt pan. Cut up 1/2 - 1 stick of butter (depending on how greasy you like it) into small pieces. Place a few pieces of butter in the bottom of bundt pan. Sprinkle with a handful of shredded parmesan cheese. Drop a handful (maybe 6-8) rolls in the bundt pan. Sprinkle with garlic salt to taste, and Italian Seasoning. Cover with a few more pieces of butter. Sprinkle with more parmesan cheese. Drop another layer of rolls, sprinkle garlic salt, and italian seasoning. Cover with more parmesan cheese. Let rise in cold oven overnight, or for 6-8 hours until bundt pan is filled to top. Bake at 350 for 20 min. Delicious!

1 comment:

  1. I was dreaming of this bread all last night! I can't believe how good it was!! THANKS!!


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Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity.


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